Digital-Era Hosting Services
Contact us
Our technical support staff is available on-site 24 hours/day, 7 days a week to answer all your questions and provide you with constant monitoring of every site hosted with us. For more information about virtual hosting and web development, please contact us over the phone or by e-mail.

Contact Sales

US toll free phone: 1-800-574-0902
International phone: +1-510-870-2470
UK phone: +44-20-7993-2768
NOTE: Please say our ID 13738 to the associate that is on the other end of the line

e-mail : [email protected]


Technical Support

To contact technical support, please login to SupremeCenter with your username and password. After you log into the Control Panel go to the "Help Center" link from the "Support" drop-down menu on the left top corner of the page.
